
Monday, December 17, 2018

Climb Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

Whether you rate a schlep up Africa’s highest mountain as a ‘great travel experience’ depends on when you’re asked. Ask the climber making the final push to the summit – an ascent from 4,000-ish metres to 5,895m – and they’ll likely say not. At that moment it’s a tough, cold, nauseating, exhausting hell. But ask them six hours later, when they’re grinning like an idiot on the roof of a continent, and the answer will be very different

Make it happen: There are five main routes up Kilimanjaro: Machame, Marangu, Lemosho/Shira, Rongai and Umbwe. Climbs take 5-9 days; longer treks allow better acclimatisation.

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